Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Fall's Greatest Sport that isn't Football

Well, people, it's that time of the year again. That magical time of the year when the world looks a little less green and a little more orange. The time of the year when children make ugly scarecrows for their front lawns with heads made from milk gallons. The time of the year where hipsters pick apples to make subpar applesauce and then can it in their apartment for "Christmas gifts."

That's right, it's finally fall. It is time to enjoy the changing of the seasons. So pull your steel tipped boots and cowboy hats out of the closet because it's time for one of the fall's greatest sports: horseback riding!

The fall is absolutely ideal for horseback riding. No one is sweating as much as in the summer-neither horse nor human- making for a drier and more enjoyable ride. Plus, there is less incident of bugs flying into the rider's teeth, because bugs are mostly all dead in fall. (Score!)

An additional benefit of fall to horseback riding is the availability of hundreds of kinds of apples. I don't know if you know this, but horses love apples!!!!!!! They could just eat them all day every day, sometimes even without peanut butter.

Important note: make sure to peel and core any apples you feed to your horses. Some of them can't be bothered to do it themselves, and this may result in an acute case of HD. (Horse death)

And so, we at Logorrhea Bloggorhea urge you to step right up to the hay-barn-horse-place and get your ass on a horse! Ride them around the park, to the grocery store, or even in your flower beds! Their poop is totally a great fertilizer. Bonus!!!!!

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